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Letter to first graders 2024-2025

Hello you first grader, dear parents and supporters! 

Welcome to Helsinki Christian School! Soon you will have an exciting first day of school, new friends in class and new things to learn and new adventures in the days. This letter explains a few things for your future school path. 

Thank you for choosing Helsinki Christian School. In our school we work, grow and be raised together. You don’t need to know the life of a schoolchild in advance, but school days are for practicing knowledge and skills and how to be together! 

Here are ABC how to start a schoolyear! 

Aamunavaus is the moment when we gather together and talk to God. It starts when the bells ring at 8:55. It is usually held in class, sometimes together. By being there on time, you show respect for everyone. 

Aamupala (breakfast) is an important part of a successful school day. Treats may not be brought to school except on separately agreed holidays. You can store your own, nutritious snacks in the fridge in the lobby and eat them in the afternoon. 

Iltapäiväkerho (IP, Afternoon club) is a guided leisure activity after the school day. In the afternoon club, children can play, exercise and spend time with friends in a safe environment. Sanna Lahikainen is responsible for the activities of HKK’s afternoon club. Please contact with her in matters related to the operation of the IP! 

Juuri sinä! You are an important part of the school community. Our school’s culture of respect and encouragement is based on a Christian understanding of how everyone is unique, valuable and important and belongs to a group. 

Järjestyssäännöt (The order rules) are instructions to be followed. The order rules are on display in the school premises and are reviewed with the class teacher. It is good to remember that the rules must be followed for safety’s sake. The school’s rules of order are valid in all school activities, including excursions and event days. Violation of the flow order rules will result in a penalty. 

Kanslia (The school office) is the heart of the school’s operations and is open four days a week. Feel free to ask Elina Koskipuro, she will advise and guide you forward! 

Kengät (Shoes) are left in the hall, outerwear in a coat rack in front of the classroom. It is a good idea to label the child’s outerwear and other equipment. 

Koululounas(School lunch) is eaten between 10 and 12. It is important that schoolchildren eat regularly so that they can study and learn new things. 

Koulunkäynnin ohjaaja (The guidance counsellor) supports the child’s learning. They work either in class together with the class teacher or outside the classroom to support individual learning. 

Koulun piha (The school yard) is reserved for IP use after school days and we wait for the start of school outside or in the aamuparkki. More information about Aamuparkki will be sent at the beginning of the school year. 

Koulupäivä (The school day) starts in the morning according to the timetable and ends in the afternoon. For safety reasons, you cannot stay inside the school outside of school days. Before the start of school and after the end of the school day, the student is under parental responsibility. The student is insured on behalf of the school during the school day and the school trip. 

Koulureppu In addition to the school backpack the school student’s equipment includes weather-appropriate clothing, which the student can independently put on and take off. 

Kristillisyys (Christianity) is a visible part of the school’s operating culture. It can be seen in the school’s customs, parties, morning meetings and some teaching content. The whole operation of the school is based on Christian values and world view. Among these values, the special value of each person as a unique person, created in the image of God according to the Bible, is especially emphasized. Everyone’s life has meaning and purpose, and the school’s mission is to raise, teach, guide and equip students so that everyone can eventually find their own place in the world. 

Kuraattori Tytti Kaisamatti supports students’ well-being and school attendance. Tytti helps e.g. in friendships and concerns and in the development of the student’s emotional skills and is responsible for the coordination of the student care team. 

Kysy! Feel free to ask adults or friends at school if something worries you. 

Kännykät ja älylaitteet (Cell phones and smart watches) stays in the backpack throughout the school day. 

Lukeminen ja kirjoittaminen (Reading and writing) are skills taught in elementary school. You don’t need to know these skills when school starts. The development of reading, writing and arithmetic skills can be supported at home, for example by playing different games with the child and reading to and with the child. You should visit your local library together at the latest when the school path starts! 

Luokanopettaja (The class teacher) helps you learn new things. He is your friend and your guide. 

Läksyt (Homework) supports learning. 

Omista tavaroista huolehtiminen (Taking care of one’s belongings) is an important part of a schoolchild’s role. We also learn to take care of common spaces together! 

Ongelmat ja riidat (Problems and disputes) can be solved together. Apologize and forgive. If things continue to bother you, it is good for the parent to immediately contact the classmates’ parents or the school. 

Peruskoulun opetuksen tavoitteena (The goal of elementary school education) is to support students’ growth into humanity and ethically responsible membership of society, and to give them the knowledge and skills necessary in life. School teaching must promote civility and equality in society, as well as the conditions for students to participate in education and otherwise develop themselves during their lifetime. The goal of education is also to secure sufficient equality in education throughout the country. (Basic Education Act 628/1998). At the Christian school in Helsinki, the child is raised from a Christian value base to become part of the community. The Helsinki Christian School operates on a co-Christian principle. The school is maintained by a support association whose members include parents of students and supporters of the school. 

Positiivinen puhe ja kuva koulunkäynnistä It is important to support a positive image and talk about going to school at home as well. Speak and think well of every member of the school. 

Ruokailussa (When eating) take as much food as you can manage to eat. Trying new flavors is also learning! While eating, it’s good to focus on your own thoughts for a while and keep the sound level quiet. Quiet speaking is also one way to say thank you for the food. 

Riittävä yöuni (A good night’s sleep) prepares you for a good day. The student needs a clear daily rhythm, a regular bedtime and an adult to limit screen time. 

Ryhmässä toimiminen (Working in a group) is part of school work. The student learns to wait his turn, take others into account, talk and listen, follow instructions, and endure feelings of failure. After a day at work, a child needs rest and the presence of a safe adult. 

Saattoliikenne transport by car to the school takes place from the Karhusuontie turnoff. Please avoid unnecessary movement on Pieksupolku to minimize risks. 

Uusia ystävyyssuhteita (New friendships) are made during the school path. A smile and kindness towards others always helps! 

Wilma is an important communication channel between home and school. In Wilma, you can find homework as well as the principal’s announcements. The guardian’s task is to monitor Wilma regularly. Feel free to contact the school, let’s solve things together rather than alone! 

Välitunnit are breaks between lessons. Remember to have fun, ask and encourage your friend to join the game and play. Good ideas for recess activities should always be presented :).

Yhteistyö There is power in cooperation! So, support your own child’s schooling as well as the work of the entire school staff by being in regular contact with the school. 

With Best Regards 

Principal Mirva Karavirta and the entire Helsinki Christian School staff